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Burster Life

Which Superfoods Are Best For Pregnancy?

Which Superfoods Are Best For Pregnancy?

These powerful Bursts are our top choices to nourish you and your baby through pregnancy and help minimize symptoms including mood swings, nausea, gas, acid reflux and stretch marks.

Congratulations on this incredible journey towards meeting your precious baby 🎉! We know how exciting and overwhelming pregnancy can be with constant concerns of ‘can I still eat/drink this?’ and the unpredictable symptoms that range from annoying to downright debilitating. You’re all warriors and doing amazingly!

We put together this post to help answer all the pregnancy-focused questions you may have. You can use the explanations to help...

How To Help Conceive Naturally With Superfoods

How To Help Conceive Naturally With Superfoods

We receive questions about fertility concerns on a daily basis, as well as truly uplifting testimonials of how our Bursts have helped with conception and pregnancy. That’s why we created this guide full of information and tips to help all our followers who need it on their baby journey.

The ideal way to boost fertility is to deal with hormonal imbalances, normalize your cycle, support organ functions, and nourish the body for conception and pregnancy. In this guide you’ll find ways to address various underlying factors affecting fertility with nutrition and lifestyle tips to help.

It’s never...

11 Myths About Maca Debunked

11 Myths About Maca Debunked

Welcome to our debunking of all the myths we regularly hear and read about relating to Maca!

This powerful root has become so popular in recent years that many bloggers and health practitioners frequently write their opinions and experiences about it. Unfortunately, they may not fully understand the details of how it works and the importance of which Maca you buy in terms of varieties, growing conditions and processing methods.

We have researched and studied Maca root for over 11 years, and during this period we have also received thousands of customer testimonials on its effects -...